An electronics diamond tester is a portable device that we can put in our pocket . The tester has small needle like tip that needs to be placed firmly on the stone under test . If the diamond is real , the device indicates that on its display , often with an aural alert .

How it works :

Diamond is an extremely good conductor of heat , and its property has been the basis of one of oldest tests for diamond -- touch a diamond with your lip and it will feel cold !

Diamond testers working principle is based on the fact that different gemstones conduct heat differently . Heat will pass through a diamond in a different way than it would through a cubic zirconia  or glass . The diamond tester will detect will detect the rate at which heat moves through the stone and tell whether it is a real diamond or not .

Another diamond stimulant called moissanite entered the market , the diamond testers were not able to detect it ( moissanite is also a very good thermal conductor ).

MOISSANITE is a naturally occurring mineral that looks very similar to diamond , and these two stones also seems to have the same physical properties .

Latest diamond testers on the market include both thermal and electrical conductivity modes . The advantage here is that you only need one device instead of two .


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