
LyfieEye that capture 360 - degree content with your mobile phone .

There is nothing new about 360 - degree cameras , but one that is tiny and works with your Android smartphone is truly awesome . eCapture Technologies claims that its LyfieEye is world's smallest 360 - degree video camera for Android phones.

This affordable device plugs directly into your phone and enables you to record , play and share life - like spherical 360- degree videos and photos . The content can be shared instantly on Facebook 360 or You Tube 360 . 

The camera can also be synced to a Virtual Reality headset , so you can relive your special moments.

Inside the 18gm camera are two Super - FishEye lenses ,each providing a 180 - degree filed - of - view . Image sensors help to capture whatever the lenses are pointing at . The camera records videos at 30 frames per second .


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