UV rays - Harmful or useful.

UV rays is a type of electromagnetic radiation , having very high frequency.

As we know that Ultra violet light are very harmful to human beings , because of the depletion of ozone layer , which causes skin cancer or sun burns.

In simple sense UV rays is harmful to us because UV rays having very high frequency. Having high frequency means that UV rays contain very high energy , this may cause damage to us.

This is true that , if uncontrolled level of UV light falls on our body , then this ray will damage our DNA which cause skin cancer and sun burns.

But this ray will be very helpful  to us if we use in a controlled fashion.

As we know that UV rays damage our DNA, that means we can use this ray to kill the microbes and bacteria which we can't see with our naked eye.

In a UV water purifier , where we use UV light to kill the bacteria in the water. In the higher level of filtration plants, there also use of UV rays in a controlled fashion to kill bacteria in water.

With the help of UV rays we can see that things which we can't see with our naked eye. ex - Blood stems on the floor, Forensic team use UV rays for this type of work.

Blood stems will be seen under UV rays because , the molecules in the protein of the blood will absorb the UV light and after that it will glow in the presence of UV light. 

UV light will also helpful tor identifying the currency.


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